Hi, as most know, I am a Flemish-American Missionary Doctor and I just came back…

Dr Rik Celie. A lifetime of helping the poorest of the poor. A brief testament in pictures.
Dr Rik Celie has dedicated his life to helping the poorest of the poor. That was his calling in childhood. That was his motivation for studying medicine. With very little funding, he created clinics and went to the most remote areas of Bolivia, the poorest country in South America, and to Haiti, also so very poor.
A blessing came into his life 5 years ago – the arrival in his life of Carolien, an artist who is now his wife, travelling and working with him. They are a team.
If you want to know more, a longer email was sent a few days ago:
Today you’re getting just a few pictures.
Please thank Dr Rik Celie and Carolien Celie and the medical staff around them for their tireless dedication.
They also find time to celebrate and have fun. Rik plays ball with the children. Carolien, an artist, sometimes brings joy with face-painting:
Still, it isn’t all joy
Here is the boat being used:
A better boat might be helpful.
A new car – rather than this worn-out 35-year-old vehicle – is virtually essential.
On the other hand, in the midst of it all, there is tremendous beauty, much love and happiness.
There is also tremendous need.
If you can, please help Rik’s mission continue. Please be generous.
Here is the link: https://doctorsonmission.org/english/donate/
Again, if you can, please help Rik’s mission continue.
Here is the link: https://doctorsonmission.org/english/donate/