Hi, as most know, I am a Flemish-American Missionary Doctor and I just came back…

THANKSGIVING. A time for gratitude. Giving thanks for our daily bread.
Thanksgiving. A time to celebrate the bounty of the land, a time for families to get together and enjoy plentiful food and togetherness.
We know that, for many people, these are harder times than usual.
Where Dr Rik Celie works, that makes everything even harder. Already there is so little. When people have less, they may give less.
Already, sometimes he needs to feed people before giving medicine. They need the nourishment to make them able to tolerate the medicine.
Food and shelter. Urgent needs.
After the earthquakes in Haiti, Rik helped set up 2 orphanages, each for 200 orphans. Some may say, it’s a drop in the bucket. For the children who went from nothing to food, clothing shelter, it was everything.
May your Thanksgiving find you blessed with much to be thankful for – with overflowing bounty.
And may you have enough to share.
If you can, please help Doctors on Mission – Dr Rik Celie’s mission – continue. Please be generous.