Again, we are before 2 mayor expeditions but we calculated with our local accountant that…

The need is more real then ever to keep Doctors On Mission alive!
As you know, I, Dr. Rik, write my Newsletters sometimes too fast and less frequently because of all the work with my local doctors teams, patients, clinics, etc.. This since my first expedition in 1986. Nevertheless, I am also very thankful for my local teams who are a big help.Without their help, I couldn’t make it anymore.
These last two years have been very very hard on expenses. It all started when the Covid Pandemie broke out. There was little time, money or energy to go talking or raise funds neither. They need us on the field! We have work to do! And anyway, it was also impossible to go witnessing during the lock down period.
The Omikron Variant made it even worse ( regarding expenses) in these poor regions as people survived despite a very low immunity system but these patients needed more medicines to maintain them alive! Still more medicines were needed!
The numbers have been overwhelming as we are speaking about 10.000’s deaths in Haiti, the Andes and most of all on the Brazilian boarder with Bolivia. This happened only in the regions where we are working and where vaccination was not available as the local Government is against the tribes we want to rescue. Bolivia is as good as a communistic State.There is a battle between many tribes there and in Haiti violence broke out everywhere to get money. . White people were their first target as they wanted always money in exchange.
On top of it, our sometimes more then 10-year jeep-ambulances are getting motor defects, need new expensive tires (on these roads) and the number of orphans are dramatically increasing as many people died already from the Delta & Brazilian variant on their 35 years or so, leaving behind 4 or 5 or 6 orphans on their own.
I ASK YOU ” PLEASE DO NOT FORGET US”. Help us to keep Doctors On Mission staying alive our numbers are in red. Think what a children’s life means. Think what it is for en elder to suffer till death comes…
I hate to beg for money but I know that we can do so much better altogether!
Thank you for all that you already do!!!
Rik & Carolien Celie together with our Local MD’s